Divorce: The Solution to a Toxic Relationship

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Marriage is the union of man and woman under the law of man and God but not all the time relationship works after a certain period of time. Because of this phenomenon, many of married couples separate. In the Philippines, there are only two ways to escape from marriage, either by annulment or legal separation. Both of these are tedious which make the couple remain married even it is already hard for both parties. In addition, the rest of the world has legalized divorce and it is about time that the Philippines should, too. Divorce might be against our religious beliefs but there are different reasons why couples should separate.

First, the mistake of marrying the wrong person should be corrected. Like they say, as time passes, you get to know your partner more. Due to that reason, you may see his bad sides after years of being married. When this time comes, your relationship gets ruined and becomes unbearable. You do not have to stay in a toxic relationship if only you had the choice and the right to have a divorce. There are also other instances why you should leave your spouse and have divorce such as infidelity, financial issues, being out of love, and many more. With these issues, reconciliation is no longer possible and divorce will be the best option.

Second, divorce will be helpful in decreasing the rate of cohabitation. In this modern time, people are not getting married because they are afraid of being committed to a person in marriage and they just choose to live together. If there is divorce, at least these people will get married knowing they could escape from their relationship if it fails. And if it works, then they become united as one until the end. Hence, the rate of cohabitation will gradually decrease. Isn’t it better to get married even you know there is a possibility that it will fail rather than living together with uncertainty?

Lastly, psychological abuse and distress will be avoided for the couples and their children through divorce. Being in a toxic relationship can be depressing for the whole family. If both parents can no longer perform their responsibilities, children get affected. During those times, children become traumatized and become rebellious. In this situation, the best solution is the separation of the couple to maintain a pleasing environment for the sake of their children. Why should a failed relationship be affecting not only the couple but also the children if divorce can be a choice?

Marriage is a sacred matter but there are different reasons why a couple tend to separate may it be marrying the wrong person, adultery, psychological abuse, etc. Divorce should be legalized to solve a failed relationship and to stop the worsening deterioration of the persons involved. There is more to being together with the man/woman you once loved. Sometimes, it is better to save yourself from the pain rather than keeping the relationship that you will never be able to fix. At least, in this case, you will be able to preserve the happy memories and the remaining love and respect for each other. It is about time for divorce to be legalized in the Philippines.
