First is intellect. I
mentioned that being smart was not everything but it was something. This people
learn easily and grasp concepts fast. They also participate in class
discussions and share their knowledge about the topic. They also ace the exams
and pass quality projects which everyone could not get their eyes off. Not to
forget the ideas they have when having collaborations for a task. They can as
well solve the hardest Math problems. You see, these are people who are
innately smart and studying is their hobby. They enjoy studying and learning to
satisfy their curiosity. Hence, being smart makes someone a step forward among
others and it is an advantage that can bring a student at the top.
Second is perseverance.
There are many students who became honor students because of their diligence in
studying. They may not be the smartest but they are doing their best in
reviewing for quizzes, advance reading for recitations, and passing homework
and projects on time. Teachers usually give extra credit to students whom they
see persevering. Being industrious is somehow more needed than being smart. I
have also seen people who were smart but lazy to study and they got outscored
by these persevering students. It is not always true that it only takes
intellect to get good grades but most of the time it is the exerted effort. The time they spent and the
persistence they have in achieving their goals.
Right attitude
Right Attitude
Lastly is the right
attitude. This is something neglected by students when thinking how to improve
their grades. As a student, you should learn to treat your teachers well so
that they will tolerate and give you good remarks. Follow their rules, be
punctual on their classes. Do not also be too “grammar Nazi” towards them, they might get offended and give you a
low grade even though you do not deserve it. Regarding your classmates, be
friendly. You do not want to be hated by everyone in your class just because
you are an honor student. Never think that they are your competitors as you all
just aim to learn and not compete to be at the top. Be kind and respectful to
everyone. Do not simply be a human, be
Intellect + Perseverance + Right Attitude= Honor student
It is true that it does
not only take intellect to be at the top. It has to be a combination of
intellect, perseverance, and right attitude. Just because you are smart that
does not automatically give you the right to be lazy and boastful. Never stop
wanting to learn. I remember a quote I once read, “Wise people learn when they can; fools learn when they must.” Then, effort must be exerted in everything and
nothing worth it was easy. It takes sweat and blood or rather caffeine and
sleepless nights to get high grades. Also, as it was stated by Martin Luther King, “Intelligence + Character — that is the real goal of education.” An honor student should not only be
regarded as smart or good student. He/ she must be holistic: being smart,
persevering, and having the right attitude.
I hope I was able to
debunk the misconception that only smart people become honor students. Anyone
has the chance to be an honor student if they will try their best. I am one and
you can be one, too. I wish you learned something on this blog. Enjoy studying!
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