A Reason Why You SHOULD Go to College

     At least once in someone's life he/she will feel uncertainty. That moment had come in my life recently.

       A month ago, I joined the Cluster Secondary Schools Press Conference (CSSPC) as a copyreader and headliner. For about three weeks, I have trained so hard. I have done more than 30 worksheets within the period of training. Within those days, my attention was divided into my studies and into my training. 

    The contest proper lasted for three days, but I only competed on the first day. Amidst having no more competition, I still went to the contest venue with my schoolmates. Within those days, I have done nothing but to enjoy and have fun. For a while I have forgotten my duties as a student. The third was the awarding, fortunately, I won the 5th place.

    After the CSSPC, I attended another outside the school event which was the CEAP Youth Camp. The event was about being blessed. I came with my org mates which made it more fun. Again, it made me neglect more of my studies.

     After more than a week of not attending classes, I went back. I felt a little bit different. It seemed like I have forgotten my home after traveling for a while. I am no longer comfortable in our classroom. I am longing for the people I was with during the training and the camp. But most of all, I have lost my momentum in studying.

    I cannot seem to focus inside our classroom. I also felt overwhelmed of the tasks I left hanging as they bombarded me. I was so stressed at that time.

At that time of distress, I doubted why should I still study when I can do something I am good at and enjoy it at the same time? Why do I still have study those things I am not even interested with? 

    That was also the time we were about to have our midterms. I had less than a week to review all our lessons and catch up with what I missed. Because of so little time, I did not know what to study first. If only you will see my room at that time, it was a huge mess-- all my books scattering around.

    Although I was so undetermined, I still tried my best to study. I did not want to waste my chance to learn. I was also afraid of failing in any of my subjects.

Then, one day, I asked my teacher, "Why do I still have to study when I can be a proofreader and maybe earn from it?"

"You know, Michang, you can use your skills in your everyday life but your diploma will be your capital for your source of living. It can somehow guarantee you a good life." My teacher replied.

   At that moment I realized I have to get my diploma so I can have a bigger chance of being successful. It may be contrary to others' beliefs but our country prioritizes the educated and the learned. People are respected based on their jobs.

    After doubting the importance of education for the first time in my life, my love for it grew deeper. So many people want to have the privilege to study but cannot because of different reasons. I should be grateful that my parents send me to a good private school. I have to love it again as I used to. It may just have been a test of faith.

    If you may have been like me who grew up knowing she is smart and now experiencing this crisis, choose to get that diploma. You may use you talents and other skills in your daily life or maybe as a sideline. But having a diploma somehow guarantees you a stable job that will sustain your needs. I recommend choosing a career that you are passionate about or possibly something related to your talent/skills in case you do not want to waste them.

Be grateful that you have the chance to study and get a degree. Lots of people in the world are illiterate because they were deprived of education. Appreciate it before it is lost.

      "Learning is a gift."
Would you choose talent over diploma or the other way around?
