A lot were asking me how to make an effective study time table since I mentioned how important it is on my blog So here I am explaining how to make a study time table that you can commit to. I made three guides depending on your preference and needs. You may use one, or combination or two, or all of them in your routine.
Let's get started!
1. First you have to write all the deadlines, exams, and dates you have to remember.
2. Still far from the deadlines, plan ahead. Also break down tasks so you will not overwhelm yourself for doing a lot.
3. Never put too much tasks on a certain day. Only make attainable plans. If you will exaggerate your plans you will not be able to stick to it.
4. Color code so you will know what subject is due on a certain day.
5. Add fun things that you will look forward doing within a month. That being said, your time table is dedicated to studying but it wouldn't be dreadful since it is really all about studying. It serves as a motivation.
Monthly plans are great to see prepare for long term. It provides you vision on what will happen on that month and make plans.
1. Plan ahead your week. Knowing you have an exam on a certain day, alot a time to study for that subject. In this case, cramming will be avoided.
2. Only make plans that you'll be able to finish. Never put too much work on a specific day so that you won't feel bombarded with tasks.
3. Add things that are fun for you. As I mentioned above it is way of motivating yourself. Yes you're a student but you're also a human being that has other roles to perform and has the right to be happy.
4. Color coding will be a great help, too.
Weekly plan is a better option if you're just aiming to plan for a short period of time. It gives you a visual presentation on what you have to do within the week.
1. Basically, you just have to write all the things you want to do in your day.
2. It is advised that you do this before sleeping at night to have a guide for your day as soon as you wake up.
If you prefer a detailed plan daily study time table is the best for you. Just make sure that the time you're spending is enough for the task you're working on.
Planning ahead is significant so you will not lack time in doing everything you have to do. Procrastination can be avoided, too if you are dedicated enough to follow your plans. It will be easier and less stressful in accomplishing tasks since you spent your time wisely. Having written your fun things to do increases your chance of sticking to it.
These study time tables can be done on your bullet journal, planners, or any piece of paper you want to write on, you may do it digitally as well. Whether you're using pens or typing it in a computer are both possible. It doesn't have to be fancy as long as they are effective.
Add something fun to do in a day even just one thing. Try to block out your Sundays in your study schedule. I mean finish everything on Saturdays. Rest and spend time doing things that will relax you on Sundays.
I hope this is helpful. Thank you for reading until the end 💜. Comment down if you'll be trying these. I will surely like to see it.
"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail."
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